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Mike Needer & Patrick Owens are the backbone of The SOLUTION. However, we have a long list of DJ/KJ's who are all part of The SOLUTION Entertainment. The Solution has DJ'ed Anniversaries, Bull & Oyster Roasts, Company Functions, Engagement Parties, Graduation Parties, High School Proms, Middle School Dances, Pajama Parties, Pool Parties, Toga Parties (see our website at for proof!!!) and more Birthday Parties and Weddings than we have fingers and toes...put together!!! If you're looking to throw a party, and aren't quite sure what theme to go with, ask us about our 80's Parties! This is quickly becoming one of our more frequent bookings for both private events as well as our regular bars and pubs. We love to host the 80's Parties. The Solution has played and or DJed from New York to Florida! Wherever your entertainment needs are, we are The SOLUTION!!! The SOLUTION is also available for Karaoke jams as well!!! So, don't hesitate to call us for your next party. We're sure you can find something to sing or just sit back and listen to!!!
Team Trivia seems to be all the rage these days! The SOLUTION Entertainment hosts trivia in and around the Baltimore area Monday through Thursday! Our game is a little different than most, as our DJs incorporate musical clues with each question asked. Give us a call, we'll explain it to you. It's a great way to put a few more butts in the seats during the week! Operators are standing by...
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