Past Musicians

Previous subscribers to  Select a band or musician to view their past show dates.

1/5'TH Dementia
10 Years Gone
100 Proof (25)
24 Karat (157)
2nd Sole (10)
2nd Starr (1)
2nd Times The Charm
2Play (5)
3 Tequila Floor
3BG (87)
40 West (6)
4Ever Erin (140)
4Play (9)
4Warned (3)
69 Band (3)
95 West (36)
A Band of Brothers
Aaron Fry
AbiRose Band (402)
Absinthe (84)
Aces Up (16)
Aftermath (11)
Ain't Too Proud!
Aleksis Bilmanis
Alive in 65
The (almost) Cher Show
Altered Mike (575)
Alton Street (113)
Andrew Luttrell
Andy Bopp (39)
Anthology (15)
Appaloosa (44)
Arcadia (2)
Archer (28)
Area 51 (29)
Argos (27)
Arrival (44)
Arsenic (2)
ATP (76)
Awaken (397)
BackAtcha (7)
BackBone (30)
Backlash (179)
Bad Agent (21)
Bad Apples (104)
Bad Break
Bad Habits (41)
Bad Horse (5)
Bad Penny (2)
Badabing Blues Featuring Mad Max
Badd Zakk (10)
Balance (2)
Ballyhoo! (9)
Barflies (50)
Beacon Jones
Ben Sherman (667)
Big Hair (16)
Big Sur (1)
Bill Burke
Bill Embleton
Billie Ray and Real Trouble
Black List
Black Onyx (19)
Black Orchid (119)
Black Swan (17)
Black Widow U.S.A.
The Blame
Blame The Victim
Bleech (103)
Blind Date (21)
Blind Willie (161)
BlindOwl (8)
Blue Cheer
BlueNite (26)
B-More Rock City
Bob Brotto (82)
Bob Wight (148)
Bob Wilke (70)
Bone (20)
Bone Dri (8)
Boomerang (1)
Branded (21)
Breech (44)
Brian Farley (259)
Broadcast (175)
Brookes, Jones & Company
Brothel Brothers
Brother Bill (746)
BroZ (13)
B-side (13)
Burning Desire
The Buzz (79)
BWI (18)
Caffeine (187)
Cahoots (8)
Car 54 (35)
Chalk Dust (216)
Chameleons (12)
Channel Cats (106)
Chasing Time (112)
Chasmo (64)
Chatterbox (10)
Cheap Date (37)
The Choper Jazz Project
Cindy's Basement
Cinema (103)
CIRE4 (3)
Clarissa (10)
Client 9 (90)
Cockeyed Jr. (226)
Collage (59)
Composure (13)
Core (140)
Cover Up
The Craze (83)
Crewe (15)
Crossfire (78)
Crossfire (31)
Cruise (227)
Crunch (59)
Crush (290)
Crushing Day (392)
Cry Later (4)
Curly Joe (6)
Curtis Johnson and the Band Eternity
Cygnals (12)
D N R (121)
Daised (2)
Dancing With Blondes
Daria and Angel & Aces
Dark Halo Rising
Dave Collins (189)
Dave Miller (544)
Dave Sherr
David Stevenson
Dawg Daze (6)
DayDream Project
Deadlock (64)
Decibels (2)
DeClassified (115)
Declined (31)
Detour (5)
Dirt (28)
Dirty Work (33)
Dirty WorX
Dj Kemix
DogHouse (13)
Dominica Acoustic
Don Bellew (795)
Donato Soranno
Don't Stop (242)
Don't Tell (21)
DoubleShot (12)
The Doubletake Band
Doug Allan
Dr. Nancy Zearfoss, Ph.D. (DRZPHD)
DragonFly (3)
Dream Ticket (214)
Drew Stevyns (573)
Driven (37)
The Drunken Irish Allstars
Due Process (359)
Eclipse (84)
Eclipse (29)
EdenRock (6)
The EGG (72)
Eightball Hemorrhage
Eli Lev
Elliot Levine and Urban Grooves
Epic (28)
The Epics (33)
Ernie Fowler (205)
Esquires (670)
Evick (1)
Evil Cecil (54)
Evokatones (22)
Exit (11)
Exit 0 (12)
Eyelevel (8)
Fabtastic4 (97)
Face Down (39)
Faded Image (265)
Fantasm (44)
FarCry (2)
Fare Play (5)
Fear 44 (7)
The Few (38)
FiZZ (42)
Flashback (20)
FlatOut (11)
Flipside (164)
The Flow (1)
Flying Z (40)
FM Band (7)
FOG (39)
Freedom Sons
Fren-Z (13)
Friction (10)
The Front (153)
The Front Porch Jamming Concept
Full Steam (146)
G3 (50)
Gene Gregory (219)
Geoffrey Welchman
Gil Bruns (184)
Gina DeLuca (389)
Good For Nothing
Gorman Prophecy
Gravity (21)
Gravy (58)
Great Escape (195)
Greg Rocks (84)
Guilty Pleasure
The Guy Jenkins Band
Half Moon (199)
Half Serious (267)
Halflink (26)
Hangover (17)
Hard Drive (149)
Harms Way (38)
Heads Up (268)
Heart n Dagger
Hectic Red (117)
Helium 4 (23)
Hicktown (265)
High Heat (51)
HighWire (73)
Hip Pocket (41)
Hipnotic (26)
Hiredgun (28)
Hit The Deck (109)
Hiway Rob (19)
Holy Steel (40)
Hot Tub Limo (372)
The Hounds (66)
HydraFX (9)
Hyjinx (142)
IconX (8)
Impact (279)
In Good Taste
Inside Out (316)
Instinct (11)
Into The Sun
Invasion (36)
Isle 6 (1)
The Itch (2)
Jacked Up (24)
Jah Works (40)
Jamnation (106)
Java Joe (3)
The Jazz Connection
Jeff Epstein
Jeff from Accounting
Jeff Long
Jeff Stike (20)
Jettstream (546)
Jim Bowley (57)
Jo Jo Andy (28)
Joe Martone (336)
Joel David (238)
John E Sax
John Turner (145)
John Young
Johnny Balls (216)
Johnny Dee (106)
Johnny Handsome
Johnny Mac Music
The Jokers (26)
JoLeo (31)
Josette (47)
Joyous Voices Carolers
JoyRide (92)
The Juke (15)
Julie Parsons
The Jury (189)
Just-4-Fun (18)
Justenuf (26)
Kajun Kelley (1098)
Kalmia (5)
Kaos (102)
Kathleen McGrath Band
Ken & Wayne (984)
Ken Massey (13)
Kenneth Knopp
Kenny Holcomb
Kick Start (12)
KickBack (2)
Korupt (161)
Kotic (4)
L A Young (12)
Landshark (76)
LandSlide (10)
Larry Thomas and Panic for the Vibe
Layers (24)
The Leftovers
Legend (114)
Liquid A (28)
Liverpool Acoustic Guitarist/Singer/Songewriter Kenny Cunningham
Longcross (27)
Lost Hiway (42)
Lovecraft (59)
Lyle Montanye (1023)
Madhouse (19)
Madman (84)
The Magic of Joshua
Mantrum (27)
Mark Jacob (1136)
Maximilian (19)
Maybe Not Even
Mergatroyd (58)
Michael John Mills Band
Mike Sharp (279)
Mixed Signal
Mixtape (38)
Mobtown Blues Band
Moe Stringz (297)
Mojo (25)
Momma Loves Drama
Moonstone (21)
Morrigan (57)
Mr. B & Gidget DJ Services
Muddy Rivers Blues Band
Mudpuppies (16)
Muleman (303)
Mutual Fun (19)
The Name (5)
Never Never (368)
Next Band Up
Nexus Rock Band
Nightfall (7)
Nine Eyes (84)
Nitro Crush (332)
No Control (13)
No Drama (313)
No Excuses (23)
No Exit (24)
No Limits (47)
No Pro Bono
No Trace (73)
Norman's Mother
Not Dead Yet (176)
Not Ted
The Notations
NoXit (13)
Nutalusa (1)
O.T.D. (22)
Odyssey (8)
Old Skool (163)
Oliver Unger
On the Bus (30)
One Louder (184)
The Oneshy Band
On-Kilter (54)
Out2Lunch (60)
Outage (4)
Outbreak (472)
P.J. Ellis (14)
P.U.S.H. (96)
Paragraph Band
Paranormal (62)
Pat Coyne (4)
Pat Hook (127)
Pat Owens (3318)
Paul McNeil Acoustic Singer Songwriter
The Pawns (7)
Peasant's Reward
Phairen (20)
Phase 2 (6)
Phat City (88)
Phil Ravita Jazz Group
The Pigz (58)
Piper Bateman
Plain Jane (50)
Plan B (57)
Pocket Deep
Point .08
Poole and Cross
Powerhouse (13)
Pure Gold
Quagmire (92)
Quikfire (2)
Radio Monkey (351)
Randy Lotz (39)
The Rat Pack (913)
Rebel inc. (48)
The Rebels (100)
Rebels In Rehab
The REC (23)
Reckoning (257)
Recoil (44)
Red 13 (4)
Redhanded (20)
RedLine (341)
Regiment (10)
Remedy (36)
Rep (13)
Retrospect (14)
Reunion (5)
Revolt (23)
Rewind (81)
Rhapsody (12)
Rich Fehle (37)
Rich Mascari (2662)
Rick Nomad (44)
Ricochet (12)
Riff Raff (37)
Riot House (120)
Riseband & Show
Rites Of Ash
Road Dogs
Robyn B w JC (112)
Rock Ridge (33)
Rod & Real (498)
Rotor (23)
Route 40 (42)
Ruckus (21)
Rude Dog's Rhythm Revue
Rush Band (1)
Russ Steele (410)
Rust (7)
Sabrina (192)
Sam Brewer (421)
Scaly Ike (5)
Semiblind (31)
Sepia (1)
Seven Dehs Gone
The Shades (35)
Shakedown (15)
Shift (1)
The Shift (30)
Shiftwork (38)
Shinola (20)
Side Effects
Side Hustle Band
Signal 13 (118)
Signals (20)
Silver Junction
SilverTung (103)
Sin 4 Sin (6)
Sir Psycho (108)
Slant 6 (20)
Sleek Zeke (10)
Slipstring Roadshow
Slow Rush (3)
Smile (10)
Smokem Joe (188)
Smokin' Polecats
Smokingunnz (275)
Smooth Play
Snafu (69)
Snakebite (195)
Snowblind (34)
SOCO (44)
SoleCraft (36)
The Solution (435)
Sonic Daze (26)
Sonic Penguins
Soul Easy (23)
Soul Lip (6)
Sounds Like English
Sounds of the Sixties
Southbound MD
Spike Jams (603)
Spin (445)
Spinoff (6)
Spiral (253)
Spoiled Rotten
Square-1 (41)
Starcrush (506)
Static (10)
The Steel Pier Band
SteelRose (42)
Steve Behrendt
Steve Longcrier
Sticktime (311)
Still Kickin
Stoked (81)
Striker (61)
Strikkin (23)
Striptease Weasel
Stun (28)
Sugar Rush (25)
Sum-Bich (17)
Sunset Band
Surge (152)
Surreal (252)
Susan Souza (130)
The Swag (5)
Swagfunk Band
The Sway (13)
Sweet Ride (17)
Switch (46)
Switch 99
Synergy (94)
Synfuse (66)
Tale 53 (118)
TaleGunner (58)
Tay Jacobe (16)
Tell You Monday
Tenacious (175)
#theseguys (30)
Think Tank (76)
Three Sixty (161)
Thrill (203)
Thrust (1)
Thunder and Lightning
Thunderball (177)
TimberWolf (48)
Times Two (223)
Tin Pan Ally
Tina Gavin Trio
Token (16)
TombStone Rockers
Tommy Can't Count
Tony Fazio
Too Crued! (26)
Tork (2)
Torque (19)
Tortured Bacon Project
Town Criers
Trilogy (48)
Triple Notch
Tripwire (394)
Twine Time (33)
Two-Piece Suit
Tyrone Shuz & His Funky Bluz
Ultra Cult (32)
Unbroken (43)
Uncle Jack (17)
The Uninvited
Union Jack (25)
Unruly Blues (114)
UpRyze (131)
Viki Dee (5)
Vindetta (2)
Vintage (129)
Vinyl Groov
Virgil Cain (186)
Voicebox (2)
Voyager (41)
War Horse (5)
Wes Cohen (202)
Whatever (43)
Whiskerfish (264)
Who Goes There?
WhyteBeard (16)
Wild Rice (36)
Wild Spirits (148)
WildGooD (13)
Winding Waye
Wired Shut (29)
Wolfs Music (926)
Wolfspider (16)
The Works (1)
Wylde Fire (197)
XXPosure (56)
Yell vs Chant
Yesterday's News
YMI (7)