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Original Message:

We've grown tired of the classic rock scene in Baltimore and have started forming a new band. We currently have lead vocals, two guitars, bass and drums but we need YOU to complete this project. Keyboards and Horns are a must for this type of music. Particularly we need a trombone and sax player and a keyboard player.

If you want to play music that will get corporate paying gigs-playing Steely Dan, Chicago, EWF, 70's Funk, Rockabilly and yes even Disco.. shoot me a line. People we play for have GOT to be able to dance to these tunes. We are looking to play out 2-3 times per month.

Please be serious, a quick learner (and one who will continue to learn new material as needed) and someone who has a stable home life, professional job and in the 40-50 age range (though age is not as important as commitment to the band and dependability). We will be practicing somewhere between Howard, Carroll and Baltimore counties.

Hope to hear from some talented players so we can get started soon!



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For performer wanted/available ads, consider including:
  • How often and when can you practice?
  • Experience, equipment, song list?
  • How far are you willing to travel?
  • Basement band or play out?
  • How often do you want to play out?
  • Links to audio or video samples
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